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3D Printing With Flexible Resin

Jason, 2024-02-03

๐Ÿ–จ๏ธ 3D Printing with Flexible Resin

When I started resin 3D printing I quickly got into needing to make flexible items. Flexible resins can be much more expensive than hard resins. Some 1kg bottles can be hundreds of dollars and there are all sorts of resins with different properties like elasticity, flexibility, shore hardness, etc. I'll talk about the resins I used and my experience with them using my Elegoo Mars 3.

๐Ÿงช Exploring Different Resins

๐Ÿ“ My Experience with Siraya Tech Tenacious

First flexible resin I got was Siraya Tech Tenacious Obsidian Black. It was the cheapest ($65) flexible resin I could find at the time. One of the first things I printed was a micro FPV drone camera mount I designed in Fusion360. To save weight I designed the mount to be pretty thin. The base was around 1mm thick. This made the mount to be really flimsy and too flexible. I then started adding hard resin to the Tenacious to stiffen it up. I tested adding Elegoo Standard Hard Resin as well as EPAX Hard Resin to the tenacious. I found a ratio of tenacious and hard resin 10:1 worked well. The print was still flexible but not as much. As far as durability goes, the Tenacious and EPAX mixture was more durable than the Tenacious and Elegoo mixture. They all weren't as durable as TPU printed mounts though, whether I mixed Tenacious and hard resin or not.

๐Ÿง Looking for Alternatives: Resione F80 Elastic Resin

I went looking for another flexible resin brand hopefully not too much more expensive and that was more durable than Tenacious. I came across Resione F80 Elastic Resin which is normally $75. I printed the same camera mount with 100% F80 and it was much more flexible than Tenacious. Like in the name F80 is more elastic and rubber band like, where Tenacious was a more hard, bendable resin that had a slow rebound. I mixed in hard resin to the F80 at the same ratio, 10:1 flexible to hard resin. But ultimately still found the mount was not as durable as TPU printed mounts. I played around with different mixture ratios, going down to a 6:1, but either the print was too flexible and soft and would tear or it was too hard and would snap.

๐Ÿ”„ Testing Other Resins: Siraya Tech Tenacious Flex Black and Resione F69

I ended up testing Siraya Tech Tenacious Flex Black and Resione F69 as well but got the same results. I decided going to any other brand of resin would just be more expensive, and at $75 for 1kg of F80, I was already well over the cost of any TPU printed mount. I did build a DIY plastic injection mold machine that I would like to make these mounts with but haven't at this time, when I do I'll be sure to post about it. I go into detail about the machine here if you'd like to know more - Buster Beagle Plastic Injection Machine

๐Ÿšง Challenges with Flexible Resins

I ran into a lot of issues printing with flexible resins, not with my FPV camera mounts but with other items when I was providing a 3D printing service that I've talked about here - 3D Printing Services Business Thing . The problems with flexible resins are -

  • Thickness of the resin. F80 for example is as thick as honey if not thicker. This gives it a much higher suction force than hard resins. This can cause the print to be ripped off the build plate, or damaged when the plate is retracting. You need to orientate the print so it makes the least amount of contact with the screen at every given layer. The more surface area of the print touching the print screen, the more suction force it'll have. Heating the resin up can help with making it more runny and therefore less suction force is made.
  • Since it's flexible resin, it can flex during the print. For example take this armor piece I printed. It's very thin but large. Given the surface area of the print touching the screen if I printed it flat, I needed to print it vertically. However then you run into the print swaying during the print process, resulting in very visible layer lines. You can combat this by encasing the model in supports, but it's not a perfect solution, especially if you can't have support marks on the print. I found heavy supports, straight up and down can work well in addition to typical 45 degree supports. Also Adding a touch of hard resin can help with the swaying if you can sacrifice some flexibility.

Armour Print

  • Used or cheap FEP film would cause issues as well. I bought the less expensive FEP film from Elegoo hoping it would solve print failures I was going through and it only caused more. I then switched to their v2 FEP film and got much better results. You can also use PTFE lubricant to help with the suction force of the resin. I apply just a few drops on the tank FEP, wipe it around, let it sit for 30-60 minutes and then wipe it off.

๐ŸŽจ Adding Ink to Resins

I have experimented with adding ink to these flexible and hard resins as well. Here's a list of resins I've added ink to -

๐ŸŒˆ Alcohol Ink Set

Then this is the alcohol ink I've used


๐ŸŽจ Miraclekoo High Concentrated Black Epoxy Resin Pigment Paste

I've also used this high concentrate pigment paste


๐Ÿ“Š Finding the Right Balance: Coloring and Resin Properties

I found with the small alcohol ink bottles a ratio of 40 drops per 100g of any type of resin was the most coloring you could add. I went all the way up to 100 drops per 100g but the print starts to fail and delayer itself. The more coloring I added, the more the print would come out flexible, elastic and soft. It tore very easily at 100 drops and that is why I found 40 drops to be a sweet spot between the most coloring you could add and not completely compromise the model. Even at 100 drops though, the print I would consider to be "tinted" the color you added. I never could get the resin to become a fully saturated color, as if it came from the manufacturer in that color.

The High Concentrated Pigment Paste, I used very sparingly. It was hard to get an accurate ratio everytime, since the paste doesn't drop out of the container, it comes out more like paste. But I would call the ratio roughly 10 drops per 100g of resin. You don't need much to make the resin much more opaque with this paste. In fact you don't want to use too much, because if you make the resin too opaque, it won't cure and print properly since no light can make it through. I had up to a 7sec exposure time at a 0.05mm layer height with the paste added in some cases. I also found the paste to make the resin more flexible and soft, as well like the alcohol ink coloring.

๐Ÿ“ฆ Print Settings

Here's a list of print settings I used on my Elegoo Mars 3

@@Anycubic Hard Grey@@bottomInnerCircleOffset:-0.1
@@Anycubic Hard Grey@@bottomLayerLiftHeight:3
@@Anycubic Hard Grey@@bottomLayerLiftHeight2:3
@@Anycubic Hard Grey@@bottomLayerLiftSpeed2:210
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@@Anycubic Hard Grey@@normalLayerLiftHeight2:3
@@Anycubic Hard Grey@@normalLayerLiftSpeed:70
@@Anycubic Hard Grey@@normalLayerLiftSpeed2:210
@@Anycubic Hard Grey@@resinPrice:27
@@Anycubic Hard Grey@@transitionLayerCount:0
@@Anycubic Hard Grey@@volumeOrMass:1
@@F39 STT  50-50@@__resin:flexible
@@F39 STT  50-50@@bAntiAliasing:0
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@@F39 STT  50-50@@bottomLayerDropHeight2:3
@@F39 STT  50-50@@bottomLayerDropSpeed:200
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@@F39 STT  50-50@@bottomLayerLiftSpeed2:150
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@@F39 STT  50-50@@buildAreaOffsetLeft:0
@@F39 STT  50-50@@buildAreaOffsetRight:0
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@@F39 STT BOP 25-75@@__resin:flexible
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@@F39 STT BOP 25-75@@bottomLayerDropHeight2:3
@@F39 STT BOP 25-75@@bottomLayerDropSpeed:200
@@F39 STT BOP 25-75@@bottomLayerDropSpeed2:80
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@@F39 STT BOP 25-75@@buildAreaOffsetRight:0
@@F39 STT BOP 25-75@@buildAreaOffsetTop:0
@@F39 STT BOP 25-75@@currProfile:Siraya Tech - Tenacious Obsidian w/ Opaque Pigment - 50um
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@@STT-BOP w/ pigment@@startGcode:
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@@Siraya Tech - Tenacious (Obsidian Black)- 50um@@currProfileName:Siraya Tech - Tenacious (Obsidian Black)- 50um
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